works like a spokesman of a businessman, advertising tells the thing about the
product, what the manufacturer wants to tell. It also informs the people about
the product, its uses and qualities.
Advertising motivates the people to make a buying decision
ie. Tells all the characteristics and qualities of the product in such an
appealing way that it motivates the people to make a buying decision. It also
increases the sale of the product, when people will make a buying decision
definitely this will result in increase in the sale of the product.
make the company know e.g it carries the message of the product alongwith trade
mark which makes the company known among the people. It dispel wrong
impression, in case people have wrong impression towards a product, advertising
is used to dispel the wrong impression of the people towards that product. It
produces market prestige to the product ie. A product can be provided
respectable place in the market by the use of attractive advertising.
Advertising dispels monopoly[1],
for various products of the same nature dispel monopoly and create competitive
environment of the market. It also fixes the price of the product and helps the
people to make a quick selection by telling various qualities of the product so
its is easy for the consumer to select the product of his/her choice.
provides wide choice for the consumer, for products of the same nature provide
a wide range for the consumer. This is also one the economic aspects of
advertisement that excellent and attractive advertisings are offered prize. So
an advertising agency designs advertising so beautiful and attractive as to
stand first in the prize competition.
changes desires of the people into needs and informs the dealer about the new
[1] Yahoo search results have a
new label: “Powered by Bing.” What?! Yahoo and Microsoft’s Bing once
were two search engines vying for 2nd in market share, behind all-powerful
Google. Their limited alliance – centered upon Yahoo’s adoption of
Bing’s search technology and advertising display — is a major attempt to offset
Google’s dominance in search. Can you say “no more monopoly”?
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